:- # Lips are scaled
:- ( sad
:- () can’t stop talking
:-) Happy
:- { } blowing a kiss
:-0 laughing
:-o shocked
:-p tongue
:-) wink
10Q thank you
1ce once
2 to/two
2d4 to die for
2moro tomorrow
2nt tonight
4 for/four
asap as soon as possible
asl? Age, sex, Location?
b be
b-4 before
bf boyfriend
c see
cm call me
coz because
sul8r see you later
d the
:- # Lips are scaled
:- ( sad
:- () can’t stop talking
:-) Happy
:- { } blowing a kiss
:-0 laughing
:-o shocked
:-p tongue
:-) wink
10Q thank you
1ce once
2 to/two
2d4 to die for
2moro tomorrow
2nt tonight
4 for/four
asap as soon as possible
asl? Age, sex, Location?
b be
b-4 before
bf boyfriend
c see
cm call me
coz because
sul8r see you later
d the
dur? Do you remember?
ecod End of discussion
ecz easy
enuf? Enough Friends
f2f face to face
fyi for your information
gf girlfriend
gr8 great
h8 hate
Hand have a nice day
ic I see
icu I see you
Idc I don’t care
Idk I don’t know
Ilu I love you
J4f just for fun
K okay
Kit keep in touch
I8 late
Luwamth love you with all my heart
Iv love
Msulkerz miss you like crazy!
Msg message
Ane1 anyone
No1 noone
np no problem
o4u only for you
oic oh, I see
pcm please call me
plz please
pm private message
ppl people
qt cute
r are
ruok? Are you ok?
Sry sorry
Swl screaming with laughter
sys see you soon
t+ think positive
t2ul talk to you later
thx thanks
toy thinking of you
u you
u2 you too
ult you idiot
ult1 you are the one
w4u waiting for you
w wait
x kiss
x! Typical woman
xInt excellent
y! Typical man
Friendship SMS
ecod End of discussion
ecz easy
enuf? Enough Friends
f2f face to face
fyi for your information
gf girlfriend
gr8 great
h8 hate
Hand have a nice day
ic I see
icu I see you
Idc I don’t care
Idk I don’t know
Ilu I love you
J4f just for fun
K okay
Kit keep in touch
I8 late
Luwamth love you with all my heart
Iv love
Msulkerz miss you like crazy!
Msg message
Ane1 anyone
No1 noone
np no problem
o4u only for you
oic oh, I see
pcm please call me
plz please
pm private message
ppl people
qt cute
r are
ruok? Are you ok?
Sry sorry
Swl screaming with laughter
sys see you soon
t+ think positive
t2ul talk to you later
thx thanks
toy thinking of you
u you
u2 you too
ult you idiot
ult1 you are the one
w4u waiting for you
w wait
x kiss
x! Typical woman
xInt excellent
y! Typical man
Friendship SMS
Ø People say friends are made in heaven. And they come in your life. But met a friend like you in this world, and made my life a HEAVEN.
Ø One day you’ll ask me what’s more important 2 me: You or my life? I’II day my life and you I’II say my life and you’ I run away without knowing that you Are my Life!
Ø 6 rules 2 b happy: Free your heart from heart from hatred; free ur mind from worries, Live simply; exact; ess; give, pre & always have, as IR FROEMJD.
Ø I wish for U; Great start for Mon, no obstacles for Tues, no stress for Wed, no worry for Thurs, simple for Fri, party for sat and Great fun for sun. have a Beautiful Week.
Ø Smile a while and while you smile others will smile and soon there will be miles of smile because life is worthwhile only while you smile!
Ø Every step u take, Every step U make, Every step type , Every breath u take, I will be watching U,B’coz u r my friend.
Ø Friend, when I feel extreme cold, I need your hand to hold, Warmth of your gentle touch, I miss you very much.
Ø Friends are like films; some are musical; some r romantic, some are adventurous; and yet others are tragedy; but very few like u, r Oscar winning!!
Ø My f’ship may b like a drop in the ocean 4 u but 4 me d ocean my; bless without d droop of ur f’ship.
Ø As long as u have memories, yesterday remains. As long as u have hope, 2moro awaits. As long as v r friends everyday is a beautiful day.
Ø Flatter me and I may not believe u, Criticize me, and I may not like u. Ignore me, and I may not forgive u. Encourage me, and I may not forget u.
Ø The recipe of f’ship: I cup of caring, 2 cups of forgiveness & hugs. Mix all of these 2gether 2 make friends 4ever.
Ø If you ever want success in your life; Be sweet as honey, Be regular as clock, Be fresh as rose, be soft as tissue, be strong as rock, be sure as death .
Ø A friend gives hop went life is low. A friend is a place where u can go. A friend is honest. A friend is true. A friend is precious. A friend is U!
Ø It must have been a rainy day when u were born, but it wasn’t really rain, the sky was crying because it lost its most beautiful angel ….!
Ø Keeps lamp of Friendship burning with oil of love b’coz SUN rises in the east and sets in the west but friendship rises in the Heart and sets after Death?
Ø There r 6 billion people around the world. I don’t know why I keep on messaging u. May be b’coz …599,999,999 can’t replace… a single u.
Ø True friend’s r like diamonds, precious but rare, false friends’ r like autumn leaves, found everywhere.
Ø A phone is a form of communication; a kiss is a form of affection. A picture is a form of remembrance, CHOOSING me as ur FRILEND IS A FORM OF good taste!
Ø I asked an ANGEL to watch over you, but he came back sooner than expected! I asked why? He smiled and said, “an ANGEL doesn’t need to watch over an ANGEL!”
Ø I ASKED God 4 a flower he gave me a garden, I asked 4 a tree he gave a forest, I asked 4 a river he gave me an ocean, I asked 4 an ANGEL he gave me YOU.
Ø Lucky angel dropped on earth one night. She asked me what I want. A million dollar or a true friend? I chose million dollars. Bcoz I already have u!
Ø Ur validi8ty for being my friend is going to expire today. Please recharge ur friendship immediately by delivering 4-5 sweet cool msgs – so; Hurry Up!
Ø Friendship is a crossed cheque of Rs happy/- when u feel upset & alone withdraw it from my A/c when u r too happy deposit it in my heart.
Ø Friend’s r like FISHES in the sea of my heart. U are my golden fish. But, if ur try to go away from me, ‘Ammachiyane piddichu FRY cheyyum’.
Ø U r as sweet as GILN, as HARD as RUM, as warm AS brandy, AS clear as VODKA, as MATURED as WHISKY, as REFRESHING as BEER, U r the bar of Friendship !!!
Ø Friendship is one who sees ur first tear, catches the second, stops the third, but when the fourth tears comes… stops u & says… ‘da… mathi over aakalle!’
Ø When all seas become dry, when all the birds leave the sky, when all friends say goodbye, I will b there always to tell u “hai.”
Ø Not every bird can dance but peacock did that. Not every flower can represent love but rose did that. Not every FRIEND can reach up 2 hearts, but u did.
Ø In life don’t think about the pain ur went through. But the lessons it taught you. Not how much you cried, but how much you smiled.
Ø U may have someone in ur mind, someone in ur heart, someone in ur dreams, someone in ur life but I am someone when you have on one
Ø In this cruel world, its very difficult 2 find a friend with a beautiful heart; pure feelings attractive personality & stylish looks. So don’t lose me.
Ø Our relation is like a little heart that never hates. A wet smile that ever fades. A touch that never hurts & a relationship that never breaks.
Ø Be cool as ice, be clear as water, be pure as milk, be soft as baby, be cute as me, so that you can be smart 4ever.
Ø One day lov asked friendship ‘Why r u in this world when I’ m here?’ Friendship smiled & said ‘To spread smiles where u leave tears.’
Ø Eyes to look at u
Hands to pray 4 u
Mind to think of u
Heart to care for u
Lips to wish u good morning
Ø Fishes travel in water, birth travel in air, but my dear friend, like u travel in my heart. Please continue ur journey my best friend.
Ø Friend means:
F = Free from all formalities
R = Right to say anything
I = In anyway
E = Either good or bad.
N = No sorry no thank.
D = Dear just as u
Ø Friendship is like a rubber band, flexible. U can stretch it as much as u wants. But don’t leave it after stretching it hurts a lot.
Ø U can never change the past nor control the future. But u can change the mood of the day by touching the hurt.
Ø Few relations on earth never die; want to know what it is Read again
Ø F=Few, R=relations, I=in, E=earth, N=never, D=die
Ø Keep messaging me 2 win exciting prizes. 1st prize lots of lov. 2nd life time friendship. 3rd prize free stay in my heart. Officer valid till I die.
Ø Need hopes? Call me
Need advice? Message me
Need help? E-mail me
Need money? Sorry, the number u have dialed does not exist. Please do not try later
Ø This is a message from a friend to friend for a friend to be friend so that a friend remains a friend of a friend who is a friend forever. OK don’t get confused
Ø What will I do if God gives 24 hrs B4 deaths? I will be with u 23hrs. Now thinking about the next hrs. I will find a person 2 care for u.
Ø If the sky was my paper and the stars were my words if the ocean was my ink it still won’t be enough to write how much “ I like You” , My friend!
Ø Last night thinking of you. I rolled out, I asked why r u out? Tear said, there is a frilled so beautiful in ur eyes so that there is no space for me.
Ø Friendship is not a degree to start & finish within 3 joy 4 yr. It is a lifetime course.. . not just to study hut to feel, luv and luv.
Ø Some people SMS u because they have nothing 2do, others sms you because they are obliged 2do. But do you know why I SMS you? I do; because messaging u is my way of saying. ‘I remember U.’
Ø When U send a Message from a distance, U can not see the faces, U can not see the Smiles, but can send the care that truly comes from the heart. Have a great day.
Ø Everyday is a wonderful opportunity 2 care, 2 lov 2 smile, 2pray & 2 be Thankful 4 having a friend like u.
Ø Make a hurt which never breaks make a smile which never hurts make a life which never pains make a friendship which never ends.
Ø Life ends when u stop dreaming, love ends when u stop believing, hope end when u stoop hearing and I miss u when stop messaging.
Ø Life can give us a hundred reasons to cry. But a friend can give life a thousand reasons to smile.
Ø Like a candle in the dark may the love of God shine in ur life & keep u safe wherever ur.
Ø I am not sure what life could bring-I am not sure if dreams come true- I am not sure what luv can do – but I am very sure about one thing… IL am ur fr4iend 4ever.
Ø Every failure is a lesson, well – learned, every success is a battle well – fought and every friend is a jewel well – kept in one’s heart…
Ø I’m happy u knop0w why? Bcoz I’m lucky. U knows why? Bcoz God loves me, u knows how? He sent a nice friend to me… U: know who? It is not you..!
Ø Some day 4get abt me my name. My voice … who I am & who I am 2 U …. But even if u 4get abt me… I just want u 2 know… I will never forget u…
Ø Me/I & You “u” is a letter! Can’t find in F-R-I-E-N-D, But “FRIEND” is someone I found in U!
Ø Friendship is:- vast like “Universe” Deep like “Ocean” High like “sky” strong like “Iron” – Kind like “Mother” cut like “Me” and sweet like U.
Ø Everyday is a wonderful opportunity 2 care, 2 loves, 2 smiles, 2 pray, & 2 be thankful for having a friend like you.
Ø A lover makes you realize how wonderful the world is. But it’s a friend who makes you realise how wonderful you are. So b thankful 2 our friendship.
Ø My friendship is like an onion which has many layers in it. It will add taste to your life, but if u try to cut it u will have tear in your eyes.
Ø Think big think smart think positive think beautiful think great….. I know that’s 2 much for u, so here is a short cut, just think about me.
Ø Hey… listen. two people were asking me ur details, today I gave them ur address & cell no. They will be visiting u soon. Their names are joy & happiness.
Ø What’s wrong with your cell? tried calling u many times, but every time the operator says:-the subscriber u r calling in u r heart.
Ø When life gives u a thousand reasons 2 cry, show hat you have a million reasons 2 smile. Keep smiling & enjoy life. No matter how hard it may be... good morning.
Ø Good song: - few minutes happy good film: - few hrs happy. Good college:-few yrs happy. Good friend like ‘u’ life long happy.
Ø Close u r hands when u deed a frnd boz I”II be holding u till d end. Good morning! Have a good day….
Ø Friendship is like a rainbow, it is bright & ful of color. There is no end in sight wen u r my frnd. Good morning.
Ø My eyes miss- u, my feels- lov u, hands- need u, my mind- cals u, my heart– just 4 u.
Ø If I die & go 2 heaven & god asks me wats my last wish I’II pause 4 a while 2 look 4 u & when I see u crying I wud say, “lord, give me a minute 2 hug my friend.
Ø Who is friend…? F first 4 me. R ready any time. I inspire me. E enjoys life with me. Never 4get me. D dear! Is u…!! good night friend…
Ø Remember that there will always be some one who remembers you very day wilt or without message! Good morning.
Ø Hearts receive – love minds receive – wisdom hands receive – gifts and... Only special people receive sms from me1 good morning!
Ø A doctor – can save my life, a lawyer – can defend my life, a soldier – can give me a peaceful life, but only a friend like u can give me a meaningful l-i-f-e.
Ø Mistakes are painful when they happen. But yrs later a collection of mistakes is called experience. It was a great experience knowing u! good morning.
Ø Why do we close our eyes when v pray, when v cry, when v dream, when we kiss? Because most beautiful thing in life r unseen n felt only by heart! Good morning.
Ø Walk with me when ur heart needs company. Talk to me when u feels all alone. Trust me when ur heart beats more. Think of me whenever you need a true friend.
Ø Feeling bored? Think joy me, feeling sad? Call me, feeling lonely? See me, feeling sleepy? dream of me.
Ø Measured by miles, you r far from me. Measured by thoughts, u r closer to me. Measured by closed eyes, u r with me. Measured by hearts, u r in me.
Ø Friendship is like a needle of a clock. Though u r in same clock u r not able to meet. Even if u meets, is only for a few seconds. But u always stays connected.
Ø Some times tears r more precious than smile because we give smile to everyone but tears only to someone whom we never want to lose.
Ø Sun is upset and moon is happy. U knows why? because sun is missing u and moon is going to be with u in the whole night.
Ø One hug is not enough, if I can have two. One touch is not enough, if IL can have two. But one friend is enough, if I have U.
Ø Some moments never be passed, some feelings never b stolen, some money never b hidden, some person just like u never be 4goten 4ever.
Ø Sit with me when I’ m sad, pray for me when I’m sick, laugh with me when I’m joking, cry for me when I’m dead but don’t forget me when I’m living.
Ø Keep ur eyes on the stars, and ur feet on the ground. Life is a flower of which love is honey.
Ø Time wud make us forget some persons, but there would be some persons who would make us forget time. They are our best of best.
Ø My heart says my f’ship may be like a drop in the ocean for u, but for me the ocean may be less without the drop of ur f’ship.
Ø What is love? It’s when u hide tears n still care 4 her. It’s when she ignore u n u still lov her. It’s when she begins 2 luv another, u still smile for her. She gets married and u joins the marriage. She lives a happy li8fe. & u; pray for more happiness for her. Then u die of sadness and she comes to put a rose on ur grave. What a love.
Ø Making a million friends is not a miracle, the miracle is to make a friend who will stand by u when millions are against u.
Ø A gun can kill someone. Fire can burn someone. Wind can chill. Anger can rage till it tears u apart. But the power of your smile can heal a frozen heart.
Ø The sun had risen from the east and birds are singing happily and butterflies r around the flowers. It is time to wake up and give a big yawning and say good morning to u.
Ø The word HELLO means:
H = How r u?
E = Everything all right
L = Like to hear from you!
L = Love to see you soon
O = Obviously I miss you
Ø Being sad is for me, being together is for you, being lonely is for me, everything for you but you are for me. Life is for u, death is 4 me, being happy is for u,
Ø Life is for you, death is for me, being happy is for you, being sad is for me, being together is for you, being lonely is for me, everything for you but you are for me.
Ø Walk with me when ur heart needs company, take my hand when u feel all alone, turn to me when u need some 1 to lean on, coz I’m the one u can always depend on!
Ø As day turns t night, keep your worries out of sight. No matter how tough the world may seem you still deserve the sweetest dream! gud Night!
Ø Friendship is like the relation between the hand and eyes. It’s like when the hand gets hurt, eye cries, and when the eye cries, the hand wipes.
Ø People vanish, people die, people laugh and people cry. Some give up, some will try. Some say hi, while some say bye. Others may forget6, but never will i.
Ø When you are counting all ur friends, the oldest the best & the new… I wud like to stand by ur side & say two little words… “me too”.
Ø I’ve special breakfast 4 u today: a glass of care, a plate of luv, a spoon of peace, a fork of trust & a bowl of prayer. Gud morning & keep smiling.
Ø Faith makes everything possible, hope makes everything work, and love makes everything beautiful. May u have all the three as u begin each day? Gud morning.
Ø Dreams visit us when we r asleep but god is truly wise, he wakes us up each day & gives us every chance to make our dreams come true! Gud morning.
Ø An icing can make a cake so sweet, a string can make a balloon so high; a match can make a candle so bright. I hope that a simple text can make you smile.
Ø Keeps the lamp of friendship burning with oil of luv, bcoz sun rises in the east and sets in the west but friendship rises in the heart and sets after death?
Ø Never abandon old friends. They r hard 2 replace. A friendship is like wine: it gets better as it grows older just like us… I get better, u get older.
Ø A smile is a way of writing ur thoughts on ur face, telling others that they are accepted, liked & appreciated. So, here’s a big smile just for u.
Ø A raindrop may luk 2 small 2 eyes but sumwhere a thirsty flower awaits its fall. An sms may seem 2 small but sumwhere a heart remembers u when it receives ur sms. Keep sms’ing.
Ø Science has proved that sugar melts in water, so please don’t walk in rain, otherwise I will lose such a sweet friend like u.
Ø If I’m in hell & ur in heaven, I’II luk up & b glad of u. if I’m in heaven & ur in hell, I’II pray 2 god 2 send me down coz the heaven is not heaven without u.
Ø No shadows to depress u, only joy to surround u friends to luv, u and god himself to bless u. these r my wishes for today, tomorrow & everyday. Gud morning.
Ø Life is an echo: all comes back, the gud, the bad the false, and the true. So, give the world the best u have & the best will come back to u. have a gr8 day.
Ø Smile in pleasure, smile in pain: smile when trouble pours like rain: smile when someone hurts u, smile coz someone cares for u. keep smiling.
Ø Heart is like as crystal, preserve it Love is like perfume, spread it. Feelings are like flood, flow it. Friendship is like as umbrella, come let’s share it.
Ø Remember to remember me, forget to forget me. Even if u try to remember to forget me I’II never forget to remember to remind u to remember me.
Ø Stars have 5 ends, squares have 4 ends, triangles have 3 ends, lines have 2 ends, life has 1 end, but I hope our friendship has no end.
Ø With petals of roses, palm full of holy water, light of full sun, fragrance of flower and grass with dew, I wish u a very special good morning.
Ø Wake up & wink those teeny weeny eyes, stretch those inzy winzy bones wear that jolly winning smile & tell urself today is a beautiful day. Gud morning.
Ø No matter the sky is black or blue, no matter there’s stars or moon, as long as ur heart is true, sweet dreams will always be wished for u. gud nite!
Ø Smile is a language of luv, smile is a source to win hearts... smile is a name of livelihood & smile creates greatness in personality so keep smiling.
Ø Do u know the relation between smile & ur face? Ur face luks gud with a smile but smile luks better when if’s on ur face... Keep smiling. God day.
Ø Night has ended 4 another day; morning has come in special way. May6 u smile like d blissful rays n leave ur worries 4 some other day. Gud mor4ning!
Ø May the spring of your love be tender and sweet, the summer be rich and fulfilling and deep, the autumn be warm and awarding, complete, and always.. let there be love.
Ø God’ll not give u a burden u can’t handle. So, if u finds urself in a mess that’s impossible to resolve, take it as compliment-god thinks u can do it1 gud morning.
Ø A friend’s luv says: if u ever needs anything, I’ll be there. True luv says: u’ll never need anything, I’ll be there.
Ø Life is full of beautiful thinks: soft sunsets, painted rainbows, delicate blossoms, luv and laughter, quiet moments & fantastic people like me. Enjoy it!
Ø Every tear is a sign of brokenness, every silence is a sign of loneliness, every smile is a sign of kindness, and every sms is a sign of remembrance.
Ø Never luk for a gud face, it’ll turn old one day; never luk for a gud skin, it’ll wrinkle one day; but look for a loyal heart, that’ll miss u every day.
Ø Life has its ups n downs. Sometimes the sun shines, sometimes the rain lashes, but then it takes both sun, rain to make a rainbow. Have a great day!
Ø The sun rises in to the sky with the warmest smile; he wishes you a good morning, hoping that you have the perfect day. Take care & miss u.
Ø If care is a wave I give U Sea. If respect is a leaf I give u tree. If trust is a planet I give u a galaxy, if friendship is life I give u myself!
Ø Monsoon rain or summer heat, ur friendship is a reason why I breathe. Tell me dear, what is sweet? is that u or ur heart beat.
Ø U looks sweet when u read my message. U look sweeter when u r3ead my message & smile. U looks sweetest when u read my message smile & reply. So, try to look sweetest.
Ø I’ve seen angels in the sky, I’ve seen snow fall in July, I’ve seen thins you could only imagine to see or do, but I still haven’t seen anything sweeter.
Ø Hi Moon, dim Ur light… Hello Wind, Blow soft… hello Earth, Spin gently… Coz my sweet friend; is going to sleep… Good Night.
Ø When the day turns into night, keep ur worries out of sight, no matter how tough the world may seem, u still deserve the sweetest dream. GOOD NIGHT.
Ø I have special sleeping arrangements for U, A pillow of Care, bedsheet of Understanding, blanket of peace and dream of Luv… Good Night.
Ø A strong n positive attitude cerates more miracles than any t5other thing be=cause Life is 10% how U make it & 90 % how U take it. God morning.
Ø Not every bird can dance, but peacock did that. Not every; flower can represent LUV. But Rose did that. Not every Friend can reach up to HEART, but U did.
Ø There are two eternities that can really; break you down, yesterday & tomorrow. One is gone & other does not exist1` so live today. Gud morning.
Ø Life is only traveled once; today’s moment becomes tomorrow’s memory. Enjoy very moment, gud or bad, coz the GIFT of life is life itself. Have a nice day.
Ø Night is longer than day for those who DREAM & day is longer than nights for those who make their dreams come true. Wish you god night & sweet dreams!
Ø If ur friendship be money, I’ll be richest man. I ur friendship be pounds, I’ll be heaviest man. If ur friendship be lucky, I’ll be luckiest man. But ur friendship is trust & I’m the happiest man.
Ø Medicines and friendships cure our problems. The only difference is; that friendships don’t have an expire date.
Ø Hold a true friend with both your hands; don’t let go, for true friend comes once in as lifetime. That’s why I’m holding you tight. Can’t let U go.
Ø Good friends care for each other. Close friends understand each other. And true friends stay forever beyond words, beyond time.
Ø We smile at whom we like, we cry for whom we care, e laugh with whom we njoy & we become angry with whom we feel is our own. That’s Friendship, that’s Luv.
Ø I can’t find a reason why God gave U to me, but that is not the question to b asked; May be the question is how did god know that I needed a friend like U.
Ø Ice is a cream, luv is a dream but our friendship is evergreen. Don’t make friends before under standing. Don’t make friends before under standing & don’t break a friendship after misunderstanding.
Ø Friendship is a gift when it’s new, it’s new, it’s a miracle when it’s true but u knows what? It’s a blessing when it’ is U.
Ø Friends are the angels who lift us to our feet when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly.
Ø Few Relations in Earth Never die. Do you know wht it is? (F)ew (R)elations (I)n (E)arth (N)ever (D)ie
Ø God has given us two gifts; One; is choice & another is chance. Choice is to select a gud friend & chance is to have a best one like U.
Ø F’ship is about bringing out the +ve when everything seems –ve, being accepted for who u r, being able to pick up right where u left off, sharing, talking & laughing. Friendship is about us & for that I’m gr8ful.
Ø Walk with me when ur hearts need company, take my hand when u feel all alone, turn to me when u need some 1 to lean on, coz I’m a friend u can always depend on.
Ø Never say u r happy when u r sad. Never say u r fine when u r not ok. Never say u feel gud when u feels bad. And never say u r alone when I’m still alive.
Ø I have liked many but loved very few yet no one has been as sweet as you. I’d stand & wait in the world’s longest queue just 4 the pleasure of a moment with u.
Ø Another month, another yrs, another smile, another tear, another winter, another summer too but there will never be another u!
Ø The sky without stars is like sleep without dreams like song without music like rose without smell like face without smile like Me without U!
Ø God sprinkles t6iny but wonderful seeds of blessings on earth each day and I just6 caught one that’s so nice and true… it’s you!
Ø I’m a PAPER, u can write ur feelings, scribble ur anger, use me 2 absorb tears. Don’t throw me after use but when u feel cold burn me to feel warm coz I Luv U.
Ø Little keys can open big locks; simple words can express great thoughts. A text from u never fails to make me smile the whole day through.
Ø God is so wise that he never created friends with price tags. Coz if he did, I couldn’t afford a precious friend like u!
Ø FRIENDSHIP is a netweork that needs…
no recharge! no roaming!
no validity limit!
no activation
no signal problems! Just don’t switch off ur HEART
Ø Smile is a language of luv, smile is a source to win hearts… smile is a name of livelihood & smile creates greatness in personality… so keep smiling.
Ø All village people decided to pray for rain. On the day of prayer all but only 1 boy came with an umbrella. That’s faith. Hv faith in urself & god. Gud day.
Ø Every king was once a helpless baby & every great structure was once a blueprint… it’s not where r u today, but where u’ll reach that counts. Gud day!
Ø Faith makes all things possible, love makes all things easy... hope makes all things work, but ur gorgeous smile brings all faith, luv & hope in me!
Ø Seeing ur smile is more than enough to pay for all the hardships & difficulties that I have to go through that day. Have a good smile dat!
Ø Through each day our goal is to touch one’s heart; encourage one’s mind & inspire one’s soul. May u continually b blessed & b a blessing to others1 gud day!
Ø With atomic and meteoric regards, my volcanic impulse trembles every time I greet as person with a magnitude of character and charm like you.
Ø Always ask god to give u what U deserve & not what U desire. Ur desires may be few but U deserves a lot. Have a great day.
Ø Be a candle, be a light, be a twinkle in the dark, be a hope, be an inspiration & make a big difference in others’ heart. Gud morning.
Ø Ur words r antibiotics, ur smile is analgesic, ur touch is anti-inflammatory, ur presence is antiseptic & ur sms is anti-pyretic that’s why I never fall ill.
Ø I think you are very careless1 U come& leave things behind! See now what U have left? U just came in my mind and left a smile on my face.
Ø Happiness keeps U Sweet; Trials make U Strong; sorrows keep U Human; failure makes U Humble; sauces keep U Glowing & god keeps U going! God Bless U
Ø Days are to Busy; Hours are too few; seconds are too fast, but there is always time for me to ask: How R U? n Hope u r FLINE. MISS U!
Ø What is the difference between blood and you? Blood enters the heart and flows out but you entered the heart and stayed.
Ø On a silent night when friends r few, I close my eyes and think of u, a silent nite, a silent tear, A silent wish, at u were here!
Ø Help ever…..Hurt never….Love ever….Hate….never….Give ever….Except never….smile…ever….Cry never…Think me ever…forget me never..!
Love SMS
Ø I love 3 things: the sun, the moon and u, the sun 4 the day, the moon 4 the night and u 4ever.
Ø If I die and go to heaven I will put ur name on a golden star so that the all angels could see how much you mean to me.
Ø “Night” is a good time to “remember” all the sweet things & all sweet persons in your “Life.’” So sleep well with ur “sweet remembers.
Ø We might be BEST FRIENDS one yrs, PRETTY friends next year, don’t talk that often the next yr, and don’t want to talk at all the yr after that, also I just wanted to say, even if I never talk to you again in my life, even then you ar special to me, and you have made a difference in my life I look up to you, respect you, and truly cherish you, send this to all respect your friends no matter how oft en you talk, or how close you are.
Ø I wish moon always be full & bright & U always be cool & right. Whenever u go 2 bed switch off the light, Remember that I am wishing U Goodnight.
Ø Measured by miles u r far away, measured by thoughts u r closer 2 day, measured by closed eyes I find u with me but measured by heart u r found in me.
Ø No matter the sky is black or blue, no matter there are stars or moon, as long as ur heart is true, sweet dreams will always be with u.
Ø A raindrop may b too small to eyes, but sumwhere a flower awaits its fall…an SDMS may seem too small to you, but sumwhere a hear heart remembers you.
Ø Another month, another yr, another smile, another tear, another winter, another summer too but there will never be another you.
Ø Love is like war…Easy to start…difficult to end…impossible to forget…
Ø Anyone can catch ur eyes, but it takes someone special to catch your heart.
Ø Receive my simple gift of ‘Hi’ wrapped with Love, tied with care& sealed with a prayer, 2 keep lu safe & Happy forever.
Ø Butterflies don’t know in what color their wings are but human eyes know how beautiful they are.
Ø Likewise U doesn’t know how sweet u are but I know how special n sweet u are.
Ø Every time I hear a message tone, I always hope one of them comes from YOU. MY SIMCARD HAS A LIMITED MEMORY. But my SIMHEART has unlimited space for you.
Ø When God opened the door of Heaven, he saw me and asked: What is ur whish for today! I said: Lord Please take care of the one who is reading this message!
Ø The smile is like a simcard & life like cellophane, whenever u insert the simcard of a smile, a beautiful day is activated. Keep smiling.
Ø If u r in luv, accept it, respect it & njoy it. But if u r not, then don’t worry coz sumone, sumwhere must b wrapping up so much luv for u.
Ø Sending pillow of happy thoughts to create wonderful dreams, a blanket of care to keep you blessed in life and a prayer to protect you always. Good night.
Ø I luv u not only for what u r, but for what I am when I’m with U. I luv u not only for what U have made of urself, but for what u r making of me. I luv U for the part of me that U bring out.
Ø Sharp is ur memory, sweet is ur name, deep in my heart U’ll always remain. Earth wants water, flower want dew; I want nothing but a smile from U.
Ø Too many stars in the sky, too many tears that have left my eyes. Too many girls out in the blue, but they are nothing compared to you!
Ø The sky without stars is like sleep without dreams, like a song without music, like a rose without smell, like a face without smile, like me without U!
Ø We never hv what w2e like, we never like what we hv still we live, luv n hope that someday we’ll get what we luv or luv what we hv ! That’s life. Hv a nice day!
Ø What makes some people dearer? It’s not the happiness that u feel when u meet them but the pain u fell, when u miss them. Miss u.
Ø Close lur eyes…., relax ur body and stop breathing as long as u can. Now breath I miss u as much as u missed the air.
Ø Near ones are not dear, dear ones are not near, ilt is easy to remember the near ones, but very difficult to forget the dear ones. Missing you.
Ø Lessons of life: learn 2 care, learn2 smile, learn 2 cry, learn 2 give, learn 2 4give, learn 2 share, learn 2 trust, n learn 2 luv & learn 2 say: u miss me!
Ø Sometimes I forget 2 say hi, sometimes I forget 2 reply, sometimes my msg doesn’t reach u, but it does’t mean I forget u. I’m just giving u time to miss me,
Ø I heard someone whisper ur name, but when I turned around to see who it was, I notice I was alone, then I realize it was my heart telling me that I miss to miss me
Ø I may seldom tell u how special u r, I may not b able to reach u coz we’re both busy, but in spite of all, u know u are someone I really miss & care about.
Ø I searched through books & leafed through cards; for words that wud convey, what I had in my heart, but when I sat down to write, all I can write was I luv u.
Ø What the heart gives away is never gone, but kept in the hearts of others, from dusk to dawn. Love you from the core of my heart. B my valentine.
Ø U’ll always be mine 4 now & 4ever. U’ll always be mine 4 u r my treasure. U’ll always be mine please tell me it’s true. Please be mine 4 ever. I’ll always luv U.
Ø Luv is like a cloud..luv is like a dream…luv is 1 word and every thing is between…luv is a fairy tale come true…coz I found luv when I found u.
Ø When you love someone, it’s nothing. When someone loves you, it’s something. When u love someone & they luv u back, it’s everything.
Ø I looked at a sweet, beautiful rose, and then I looked at you, and I kept looking at you, for the rose isn’t as beautiful as you.
Ø May ur heart b happy & ur days b bright. May ur roads b smooth & ur r burdens light. May u find dreams & touch a star & never forget how special u r.
Ø Vacancy in my mind for a true friend Eligibility: loving & caring,
Duty: to luv,
Experience: not require,
Salary: never ending luv
Joining: asp
R u interested?
Ø When the night comes look at the sky. If u sees a falling star, don’t wonder why, just make a wish. Trust me it will come true, co I did it & I found u.
Ø God created the world in six days but took him centuries to come up with someone as beautiful… as u!
Ø Flowers need sunshine, violets need dew, all angels in heaven know I need U. Years may fly, tears may dry, but my love for u’ll never die.
Ø God gave u 2 legs to walk, 2 hands to hold, 2 ears to hear, 2 eyes to see. But why did he give u only 1 heart? Probably bcoz he wants u to look for the other
Ø My heart problem has reached a critical stage that doctor says there are only 2 options left…..I.C.U or……U.C me
Ø If you r in a dark room, you find blood everywhere and the walls are shaking-don’t worry friend, u r at the safest place, you r in my heart.
Ø U want & u get, that’s luck, U want & u wait, that’s time. U want but u compromise, that’s life. And U want & wait & u don’t compromise that’s LOVE.
Ø Feelings are many but words are few, clouds are dark but sky is blue; Luv is a paper, life is glue, everything is false, only My Luv is TRUE.
Ø Sometimes my eyes get jealous of my heart. Know why? Coz you always remain close to my heart and far from my eyes.
Ø If sumone throws a stone towards u, throw luv towards him but if sumone throw luv towards u, then silt for a while & think coz luv hurts more than stone.
Ø Loving some 1 who loves u is a duty, but being loved by some 1 whom u luv is LIFE.
Ø With petals of roses, palm full of holy water, light of full sun, fragrance of flower and grass with dew, I wish u a very special good morning.
Ø My CELL phone is waiting for ur call!
IN BOX waiting for ur SDMS!
CALL REGISTER waiting for ur missed call!
MY HEART waiting for your frnship.
Ø Without humor, life is sick. Without courage, life is hard. Without love, life is hopeless. Without friends like you, life is impossible!
Funny SMS
v Marriage is a romance in which the hero dies in the first chapter.
v What‘s the difference between people who pray in the church and those who pray in casino? Those in the casinos are more serious.
v Some people have 5 senses, some may have 6. You are a gifted person as you have the 7th sense: “NONSENCE”
v Teacher: “Everything you do is wrong. How can you expect to get a job when you leave school if everything you do is inaccurate?”
v The husband who wants a happy marriage should learn to keep his mouth shut and his chequebook open.
v I can read my wife like a book, but I can’t shut her so easily.
v Akashatheku noku daivathinte vlupam kaanam. Prakrithiyileku noku daivate mahathwam kaanam… kannadiyil noku daivathinte “ABATHAM Kanam’
Ø One day you’ll ask me what’s more important 2 me: You or my life? I’II day my life and you I’II say my life and you’ I run away without knowing that you Are my Life!
Ø 6 rules 2 b happy: Free your heart from heart from hatred; free ur mind from worries, Live simply; exact; ess; give, pre & always have, as IR FROEMJD.
Ø I wish for U; Great start for Mon, no obstacles for Tues, no stress for Wed, no worry for Thurs, simple for Fri, party for sat and Great fun for sun. have a Beautiful Week.
Ø Smile a while and while you smile others will smile and soon there will be miles of smile because life is worthwhile only while you smile!
Ø Every step u take, Every step U make, Every step type , Every breath u take, I will be watching U,B’coz u r my friend.
Ø Friend, when I feel extreme cold, I need your hand to hold, Warmth of your gentle touch, I miss you very much.
Ø Friends are like films; some are musical; some r romantic, some are adventurous; and yet others are tragedy; but very few like u, r Oscar winning!!
Ø My f’ship may b like a drop in the ocean 4 u but 4 me d ocean my; bless without d droop of ur f’ship.
Ø As long as u have memories, yesterday remains. As long as u have hope, 2moro awaits. As long as v r friends everyday is a beautiful day.
Ø Flatter me and I may not believe u, Criticize me, and I may not like u. Ignore me, and I may not forgive u. Encourage me, and I may not forget u.
Ø The recipe of f’ship: I cup of caring, 2 cups of forgiveness & hugs. Mix all of these 2gether 2 make friends 4ever.
Ø If you ever want success in your life; Be sweet as honey, Be regular as clock, Be fresh as rose, be soft as tissue, be strong as rock, be sure as death .
Ø A friend gives hop went life is low. A friend is a place where u can go. A friend is honest. A friend is true. A friend is precious. A friend is U!
Ø It must have been a rainy day when u were born, but it wasn’t really rain, the sky was crying because it lost its most beautiful angel ….!
Ø Keeps lamp of Friendship burning with oil of love b’coz SUN rises in the east and sets in the west but friendship rises in the Heart and sets after Death?
Ø There r 6 billion people around the world. I don’t know why I keep on messaging u. May be b’coz …599,999,999 can’t replace… a single u.
Ø True friend’s r like diamonds, precious but rare, false friends’ r like autumn leaves, found everywhere.
Ø A phone is a form of communication; a kiss is a form of affection. A picture is a form of remembrance, CHOOSING me as ur FRILEND IS A FORM OF good taste!
Ø I asked an ANGEL to watch over you, but he came back sooner than expected! I asked why? He smiled and said, “an ANGEL doesn’t need to watch over an ANGEL!”
Ø I ASKED God 4 a flower he gave me a garden, I asked 4 a tree he gave a forest, I asked 4 a river he gave me an ocean, I asked 4 an ANGEL he gave me YOU.
Ø Lucky angel dropped on earth one night. She asked me what I want. A million dollar or a true friend? I chose million dollars. Bcoz I already have u!
Ø Ur validi8ty for being my friend is going to expire today. Please recharge ur friendship immediately by delivering 4-5 sweet cool msgs – so; Hurry Up!
Ø Friendship is a crossed cheque of Rs happy/- when u feel upset & alone withdraw it from my A/c when u r too happy deposit it in my heart.
Ø Friend’s r like FISHES in the sea of my heart. U are my golden fish. But, if ur try to go away from me, ‘Ammachiyane piddichu FRY cheyyum’.
Ø U r as sweet as GILN, as HARD as RUM, as warm AS brandy, AS clear as VODKA, as MATURED as WHISKY, as REFRESHING as BEER, U r the bar of Friendship !!!
Ø Friendship is one who sees ur first tear, catches the second, stops the third, but when the fourth tears comes… stops u & says… ‘da… mathi over aakalle!’
Ø When all seas become dry, when all the birds leave the sky, when all friends say goodbye, I will b there always to tell u “hai.”
Ø Not every bird can dance but peacock did that. Not every flower can represent love but rose did that. Not every FRIEND can reach up 2 hearts, but u did.
Ø In life don’t think about the pain ur went through. But the lessons it taught you. Not how much you cried, but how much you smiled.
Ø U may have someone in ur mind, someone in ur heart, someone in ur dreams, someone in ur life but I am someone when you have on one
Ø In this cruel world, its very difficult 2 find a friend with a beautiful heart; pure feelings attractive personality & stylish looks. So don’t lose me.
Ø Our relation is like a little heart that never hates. A wet smile that ever fades. A touch that never hurts & a relationship that never breaks.
Ø Be cool as ice, be clear as water, be pure as milk, be soft as baby, be cute as me, so that you can be smart 4ever.
Ø One day lov asked friendship ‘Why r u in this world when I’ m here?’ Friendship smiled & said ‘To spread smiles where u leave tears.’
Ø Eyes to look at u
Hands to pray 4 u
Mind to think of u
Heart to care for u
Lips to wish u good morning
Ø Fishes travel in water, birth travel in air, but my dear friend, like u travel in my heart. Please continue ur journey my best friend.
Ø Friend means:
F = Free from all formalities
R = Right to say anything
I = In anyway
E = Either good or bad.
N = No sorry no thank.
D = Dear just as u
Ø Friendship is like a rubber band, flexible. U can stretch it as much as u wants. But don’t leave it after stretching it hurts a lot.
Ø U can never change the past nor control the future. But u can change the mood of the day by touching the hurt.
Ø Few relations on earth never die; want to know what it is Read again
Ø F=Few, R=relations, I=in, E=earth, N=never, D=die
Ø Keep messaging me 2 win exciting prizes. 1st prize lots of lov. 2nd life time friendship. 3rd prize free stay in my heart. Officer valid till I die.
Ø Need hopes? Call me
Need advice? Message me
Need help? E-mail me
Need money? Sorry, the number u have dialed does not exist. Please do not try later
Ø This is a message from a friend to friend for a friend to be friend so that a friend remains a friend of a friend who is a friend forever. OK don’t get confused
Ø What will I do if God gives 24 hrs B4 deaths? I will be with u 23hrs. Now thinking about the next hrs. I will find a person 2 care for u.
Ø If the sky was my paper and the stars were my words if the ocean was my ink it still won’t be enough to write how much “ I like You” , My friend!
Ø Last night thinking of you. I rolled out, I asked why r u out? Tear said, there is a frilled so beautiful in ur eyes so that there is no space for me.
Ø Friendship is not a degree to start & finish within 3 joy 4 yr. It is a lifetime course.. . not just to study hut to feel, luv and luv.
Ø Some people SMS u because they have nothing 2do, others sms you because they are obliged 2do. But do you know why I SMS you? I do; because messaging u is my way of saying. ‘I remember U.’
Ø When U send a Message from a distance, U can not see the faces, U can not see the Smiles, but can send the care that truly comes from the heart. Have a great day.
Ø Everyday is a wonderful opportunity 2 care, 2 lov 2 smile, 2pray & 2 be Thankful 4 having a friend like u.
Ø Make a hurt which never breaks make a smile which never hurts make a life which never pains make a friendship which never ends.
Ø Life ends when u stop dreaming, love ends when u stop believing, hope end when u stoop hearing and I miss u when stop messaging.
Ø Life can give us a hundred reasons to cry. But a friend can give life a thousand reasons to smile.
Ø Like a candle in the dark may the love of God shine in ur life & keep u safe wherever ur.
Ø I am not sure what life could bring-I am not sure if dreams come true- I am not sure what luv can do – but I am very sure about one thing… IL am ur fr4iend 4ever.
Ø Every failure is a lesson, well – learned, every success is a battle well – fought and every friend is a jewel well – kept in one’s heart…
Ø I’m happy u knop0w why? Bcoz I’m lucky. U knows why? Bcoz God loves me, u knows how? He sent a nice friend to me… U: know who? It is not you..!
Ø Some day 4get abt me my name. My voice … who I am & who I am 2 U …. But even if u 4get abt me… I just want u 2 know… I will never forget u…
Ø Me/I & You “u” is a letter! Can’t find in F-R-I-E-N-D, But “FRIEND” is someone I found in U!
Ø Friendship is:- vast like “Universe” Deep like “Ocean” High like “sky” strong like “Iron” – Kind like “Mother” cut like “Me” and sweet like U.
Ø Everyday is a wonderful opportunity 2 care, 2 loves, 2 smiles, 2 pray, & 2 be thankful for having a friend like you.
Ø A lover makes you realize how wonderful the world is. But it’s a friend who makes you realise how wonderful you are. So b thankful 2 our friendship.
Ø My friendship is like an onion which has many layers in it. It will add taste to your life, but if u try to cut it u will have tear in your eyes.
Ø Think big think smart think positive think beautiful think great….. I know that’s 2 much for u, so here is a short cut, just think about me.
Ø Hey… listen. two people were asking me ur details, today I gave them ur address & cell no. They will be visiting u soon. Their names are joy & happiness.
Ø What’s wrong with your cell? tried calling u many times, but every time the operator says:-the subscriber u r calling in u r heart.
Ø When life gives u a thousand reasons 2 cry, show hat you have a million reasons 2 smile. Keep smiling & enjoy life. No matter how hard it may be... good morning.
Ø Good song: - few minutes happy good film: - few hrs happy. Good college:-few yrs happy. Good friend like ‘u’ life long happy.
Ø Close u r hands when u deed a frnd boz I”II be holding u till d end. Good morning! Have a good day….
Ø Friendship is like a rainbow, it is bright & ful of color. There is no end in sight wen u r my frnd. Good morning.
Ø My eyes miss- u, my feels- lov u, hands- need u, my mind- cals u, my heart– just 4 u.
Ø If I die & go 2 heaven & god asks me wats my last wish I’II pause 4 a while 2 look 4 u & when I see u crying I wud say, “lord, give me a minute 2 hug my friend.
Ø Who is friend…? F first 4 me. R ready any time. I inspire me. E enjoys life with me. Never 4get me. D dear! Is u…!! good night friend…
Ø Remember that there will always be some one who remembers you very day wilt or without message! Good morning.
Ø Hearts receive – love minds receive – wisdom hands receive – gifts and... Only special people receive sms from me1 good morning!
Ø A doctor – can save my life, a lawyer – can defend my life, a soldier – can give me a peaceful life, but only a friend like u can give me a meaningful l-i-f-e.
Ø Mistakes are painful when they happen. But yrs later a collection of mistakes is called experience. It was a great experience knowing u! good morning.
Ø Why do we close our eyes when v pray, when v cry, when v dream, when we kiss? Because most beautiful thing in life r unseen n felt only by heart! Good morning.
Ø Walk with me when ur heart needs company. Talk to me when u feels all alone. Trust me when ur heart beats more. Think of me whenever you need a true friend.
Ø Feeling bored? Think joy me, feeling sad? Call me, feeling lonely? See me, feeling sleepy? dream of me.
Ø Measured by miles, you r far from me. Measured by thoughts, u r closer to me. Measured by closed eyes, u r with me. Measured by hearts, u r in me.
Ø Friendship is like a needle of a clock. Though u r in same clock u r not able to meet. Even if u meets, is only for a few seconds. But u always stays connected.
Ø Some times tears r more precious than smile because we give smile to everyone but tears only to someone whom we never want to lose.
Ø Sun is upset and moon is happy. U knows why? because sun is missing u and moon is going to be with u in the whole night.
Ø One hug is not enough, if I can have two. One touch is not enough, if IL can have two. But one friend is enough, if I have U.
Ø Some moments never be passed, some feelings never b stolen, some money never b hidden, some person just like u never be 4goten 4ever.
Ø Sit with me when I’ m sad, pray for me when I’m sick, laugh with me when I’m joking, cry for me when I’m dead but don’t forget me when I’m living.
Ø Keep ur eyes on the stars, and ur feet on the ground. Life is a flower of which love is honey.
Ø Time wud make us forget some persons, but there would be some persons who would make us forget time. They are our best of best.
Ø My heart says my f’ship may be like a drop in the ocean for u, but for me the ocean may be less without the drop of ur f’ship.
Ø What is love? It’s when u hide tears n still care 4 her. It’s when she ignore u n u still lov her. It’s when she begins 2 luv another, u still smile for her. She gets married and u joins the marriage. She lives a happy li8fe. & u; pray for more happiness for her. Then u die of sadness and she comes to put a rose on ur grave. What a love.
Ø Making a million friends is not a miracle, the miracle is to make a friend who will stand by u when millions are against u.
Ø A gun can kill someone. Fire can burn someone. Wind can chill. Anger can rage till it tears u apart. But the power of your smile can heal a frozen heart.
Ø The sun had risen from the east and birds are singing happily and butterflies r around the flowers. It is time to wake up and give a big yawning and say good morning to u.
Ø The word HELLO means:
H = How r u?
E = Everything all right
L = Like to hear from you!
L = Love to see you soon
O = Obviously I miss you
Ø Being sad is for me, being together is for you, being lonely is for me, everything for you but you are for me. Life is for u, death is 4 me, being happy is for u,
Ø Life is for you, death is for me, being happy is for you, being sad is for me, being together is for you, being lonely is for me, everything for you but you are for me.
Ø Walk with me when ur heart needs company, take my hand when u feel all alone, turn to me when u need some 1 to lean on, coz I’m the one u can always depend on!
Ø As day turns t night, keep your worries out of sight. No matter how tough the world may seem you still deserve the sweetest dream! gud Night!
Ø Friendship is like the relation between the hand and eyes. It’s like when the hand gets hurt, eye cries, and when the eye cries, the hand wipes.
Ø People vanish, people die, people laugh and people cry. Some give up, some will try. Some say hi, while some say bye. Others may forget6, but never will i.
Ø When you are counting all ur friends, the oldest the best & the new… I wud like to stand by ur side & say two little words… “me too”.
Ø I’ve special breakfast 4 u today: a glass of care, a plate of luv, a spoon of peace, a fork of trust & a bowl of prayer. Gud morning & keep smiling.
Ø Faith makes everything possible, hope makes everything work, and love makes everything beautiful. May u have all the three as u begin each day? Gud morning.
Ø Dreams visit us when we r asleep but god is truly wise, he wakes us up each day & gives us every chance to make our dreams come true! Gud morning.
Ø An icing can make a cake so sweet, a string can make a balloon so high; a match can make a candle so bright. I hope that a simple text can make you smile.
Ø Keeps the lamp of friendship burning with oil of luv, bcoz sun rises in the east and sets in the west but friendship rises in the heart and sets after death?
Ø Never abandon old friends. They r hard 2 replace. A friendship is like wine: it gets better as it grows older just like us… I get better, u get older.
Ø A smile is a way of writing ur thoughts on ur face, telling others that they are accepted, liked & appreciated. So, here’s a big smile just for u.
Ø A raindrop may luk 2 small 2 eyes but sumwhere a thirsty flower awaits its fall. An sms may seem 2 small but sumwhere a heart remembers u when it receives ur sms. Keep sms’ing.
Ø Science has proved that sugar melts in water, so please don’t walk in rain, otherwise I will lose such a sweet friend like u.
Ø If I’m in hell & ur in heaven, I’II luk up & b glad of u. if I’m in heaven & ur in hell, I’II pray 2 god 2 send me down coz the heaven is not heaven without u.
Ø No shadows to depress u, only joy to surround u friends to luv, u and god himself to bless u. these r my wishes for today, tomorrow & everyday. Gud morning.
Ø Life is an echo: all comes back, the gud, the bad the false, and the true. So, give the world the best u have & the best will come back to u. have a gr8 day.
Ø Smile in pleasure, smile in pain: smile when trouble pours like rain: smile when someone hurts u, smile coz someone cares for u. keep smiling.
Ø Heart is like as crystal, preserve it Love is like perfume, spread it. Feelings are like flood, flow it. Friendship is like as umbrella, come let’s share it.
Ø Remember to remember me, forget to forget me. Even if u try to remember to forget me I’II never forget to remember to remind u to remember me.
Ø Stars have 5 ends, squares have 4 ends, triangles have 3 ends, lines have 2 ends, life has 1 end, but I hope our friendship has no end.
Ø With petals of roses, palm full of holy water, light of full sun, fragrance of flower and grass with dew, I wish u a very special good morning.
Ø Wake up & wink those teeny weeny eyes, stretch those inzy winzy bones wear that jolly winning smile & tell urself today is a beautiful day. Gud morning.
Ø No matter the sky is black or blue, no matter there’s stars or moon, as long as ur heart is true, sweet dreams will always be wished for u. gud nite!
Ø Smile is a language of luv, smile is a source to win hearts... smile is a name of livelihood & smile creates greatness in personality so keep smiling.
Ø Do u know the relation between smile & ur face? Ur face luks gud with a smile but smile luks better when if’s on ur face... Keep smiling. God day.
Ø Night has ended 4 another day; morning has come in special way. May6 u smile like d blissful rays n leave ur worries 4 some other day. Gud mor4ning!
Ø May the spring of your love be tender and sweet, the summer be rich and fulfilling and deep, the autumn be warm and awarding, complete, and always.. let there be love.
Ø God’ll not give u a burden u can’t handle. So, if u finds urself in a mess that’s impossible to resolve, take it as compliment-god thinks u can do it1 gud morning.
Ø A friend’s luv says: if u ever needs anything, I’ll be there. True luv says: u’ll never need anything, I’ll be there.
Ø Life is full of beautiful thinks: soft sunsets, painted rainbows, delicate blossoms, luv and laughter, quiet moments & fantastic people like me. Enjoy it!
Ø Every tear is a sign of brokenness, every silence is a sign of loneliness, every smile is a sign of kindness, and every sms is a sign of remembrance.
Ø Never luk for a gud face, it’ll turn old one day; never luk for a gud skin, it’ll wrinkle one day; but look for a loyal heart, that’ll miss u every day.
Ø Life has its ups n downs. Sometimes the sun shines, sometimes the rain lashes, but then it takes both sun, rain to make a rainbow. Have a great day!
Ø The sun rises in to the sky with the warmest smile; he wishes you a good morning, hoping that you have the perfect day. Take care & miss u.
Ø If care is a wave I give U Sea. If respect is a leaf I give u tree. If trust is a planet I give u a galaxy, if friendship is life I give u myself!
Ø Monsoon rain or summer heat, ur friendship is a reason why I breathe. Tell me dear, what is sweet? is that u or ur heart beat.
Ø U looks sweet when u read my message. U look sweeter when u r3ead my message & smile. U looks sweetest when u read my message smile & reply. So, try to look sweetest.
Ø I’ve seen angels in the sky, I’ve seen snow fall in July, I’ve seen thins you could only imagine to see or do, but I still haven’t seen anything sweeter.
Ø Hi Moon, dim Ur light… Hello Wind, Blow soft… hello Earth, Spin gently… Coz my sweet friend; is going to sleep… Good Night.
Ø When the day turns into night, keep ur worries out of sight, no matter how tough the world may seem, u still deserve the sweetest dream. GOOD NIGHT.
Ø I have special sleeping arrangements for U, A pillow of Care, bedsheet of Understanding, blanket of peace and dream of Luv… Good Night.
Ø A strong n positive attitude cerates more miracles than any t5other thing be=cause Life is 10% how U make it & 90 % how U take it. God morning.
Ø Not every bird can dance, but peacock did that. Not every; flower can represent LUV. But Rose did that. Not every Friend can reach up to HEART, but U did.
Ø There are two eternities that can really; break you down, yesterday & tomorrow. One is gone & other does not exist1` so live today. Gud morning.
Ø Life is only traveled once; today’s moment becomes tomorrow’s memory. Enjoy very moment, gud or bad, coz the GIFT of life is life itself. Have a nice day.
Ø Night is longer than day for those who DREAM & day is longer than nights for those who make their dreams come true. Wish you god night & sweet dreams!
Ø If ur friendship be money, I’ll be richest man. I ur friendship be pounds, I’ll be heaviest man. If ur friendship be lucky, I’ll be luckiest man. But ur friendship is trust & I’m the happiest man.
Ø Medicines and friendships cure our problems. The only difference is; that friendships don’t have an expire date.
Ø Hold a true friend with both your hands; don’t let go, for true friend comes once in as lifetime. That’s why I’m holding you tight. Can’t let U go.
Ø Good friends care for each other. Close friends understand each other. And true friends stay forever beyond words, beyond time.
Ø We smile at whom we like, we cry for whom we care, e laugh with whom we njoy & we become angry with whom we feel is our own. That’s Friendship, that’s Luv.
Ø I can’t find a reason why God gave U to me, but that is not the question to b asked; May be the question is how did god know that I needed a friend like U.
Ø Ice is a cream, luv is a dream but our friendship is evergreen. Don’t make friends before under standing. Don’t make friends before under standing & don’t break a friendship after misunderstanding.
Ø Friendship is a gift when it’s new, it’s new, it’s a miracle when it’s true but u knows what? It’s a blessing when it’ is U.
Ø Friends are the angels who lift us to our feet when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly.
Ø Few Relations in Earth Never die. Do you know wht it is? (F)ew (R)elations (I)n (E)arth (N)ever (D)ie
Ø God has given us two gifts; One; is choice & another is chance. Choice is to select a gud friend & chance is to have a best one like U.
Ø F’ship is about bringing out the +ve when everything seems –ve, being accepted for who u r, being able to pick up right where u left off, sharing, talking & laughing. Friendship is about us & for that I’m gr8ful.
Ø Walk with me when ur hearts need company, take my hand when u feel all alone, turn to me when u need some 1 to lean on, coz I’m a friend u can always depend on.
Ø Never say u r happy when u r sad. Never say u r fine when u r not ok. Never say u feel gud when u feels bad. And never say u r alone when I’m still alive.
Ø I have liked many but loved very few yet no one has been as sweet as you. I’d stand & wait in the world’s longest queue just 4 the pleasure of a moment with u.
Ø Another month, another yrs, another smile, another tear, another winter, another summer too but there will never be another u!
Ø The sky without stars is like sleep without dreams like song without music like rose without smell like face without smile like Me without U!
Ø God sprinkles t6iny but wonderful seeds of blessings on earth each day and I just6 caught one that’s so nice and true… it’s you!
Ø I’m a PAPER, u can write ur feelings, scribble ur anger, use me 2 absorb tears. Don’t throw me after use but when u feel cold burn me to feel warm coz I Luv U.
Ø Little keys can open big locks; simple words can express great thoughts. A text from u never fails to make me smile the whole day through.
Ø God is so wise that he never created friends with price tags. Coz if he did, I couldn’t afford a precious friend like u!
Ø FRIENDSHIP is a netweork that needs…
no recharge! no roaming!
no validity limit!
no activation
no signal problems! Just don’t switch off ur HEART
Ø Smile is a language of luv, smile is a source to win hearts… smile is a name of livelihood & smile creates greatness in personality… so keep smiling.
Ø All village people decided to pray for rain. On the day of prayer all but only 1 boy came with an umbrella. That’s faith. Hv faith in urself & god. Gud day.
Ø Every king was once a helpless baby & every great structure was once a blueprint… it’s not where r u today, but where u’ll reach that counts. Gud day!
Ø Faith makes all things possible, love makes all things easy... hope makes all things work, but ur gorgeous smile brings all faith, luv & hope in me!
Ø Seeing ur smile is more than enough to pay for all the hardships & difficulties that I have to go through that day. Have a good smile dat!
Ø Through each day our goal is to touch one’s heart; encourage one’s mind & inspire one’s soul. May u continually b blessed & b a blessing to others1 gud day!
Ø With atomic and meteoric regards, my volcanic impulse trembles every time I greet as person with a magnitude of character and charm like you.
Ø Always ask god to give u what U deserve & not what U desire. Ur desires may be few but U deserves a lot. Have a great day.
Ø Be a candle, be a light, be a twinkle in the dark, be a hope, be an inspiration & make a big difference in others’ heart. Gud morning.
Ø Ur words r antibiotics, ur smile is analgesic, ur touch is anti-inflammatory, ur presence is antiseptic & ur sms is anti-pyretic that’s why I never fall ill.
Ø I think you are very careless1 U come& leave things behind! See now what U have left? U just came in my mind and left a smile on my face.
Ø Happiness keeps U Sweet; Trials make U Strong; sorrows keep U Human; failure makes U Humble; sauces keep U Glowing & god keeps U going! God Bless U
Ø Days are to Busy; Hours are too few; seconds are too fast, but there is always time for me to ask: How R U? n Hope u r FLINE. MISS U!
Ø What is the difference between blood and you? Blood enters the heart and flows out but you entered the heart and stayed.
Ø On a silent night when friends r few, I close my eyes and think of u, a silent nite, a silent tear, A silent wish, at u were here!
Ø Help ever…..Hurt never….Love ever….Hate….never….Give ever….Except never….smile…ever….Cry never…Think me ever…forget me never..!
Love SMS
Ø I love 3 things: the sun, the moon and u, the sun 4 the day, the moon 4 the night and u 4ever.
Ø If I die and go to heaven I will put ur name on a golden star so that the all angels could see how much you mean to me.
Ø “Night” is a good time to “remember” all the sweet things & all sweet persons in your “Life.’” So sleep well with ur “sweet remembers.
Ø We might be BEST FRIENDS one yrs, PRETTY friends next year, don’t talk that often the next yr, and don’t want to talk at all the yr after that, also I just wanted to say, even if I never talk to you again in my life, even then you ar special to me, and you have made a difference in my life I look up to you, respect you, and truly cherish you, send this to all respect your friends no matter how oft en you talk, or how close you are.
Ø I wish moon always be full & bright & U always be cool & right. Whenever u go 2 bed switch off the light, Remember that I am wishing U Goodnight.
Ø Measured by miles u r far away, measured by thoughts u r closer 2 day, measured by closed eyes I find u with me but measured by heart u r found in me.
Ø No matter the sky is black or blue, no matter there are stars or moon, as long as ur heart is true, sweet dreams will always be with u.
Ø A raindrop may b too small to eyes, but sumwhere a flower awaits its fall…an SDMS may seem too small to you, but sumwhere a hear heart remembers you.
Ø Another month, another yr, another smile, another tear, another winter, another summer too but there will never be another you.
Ø Love is like war…Easy to start…difficult to end…impossible to forget…
Ø Anyone can catch ur eyes, but it takes someone special to catch your heart.
Ø Receive my simple gift of ‘Hi’ wrapped with Love, tied with care& sealed with a prayer, 2 keep lu safe & Happy forever.
Ø Butterflies don’t know in what color their wings are but human eyes know how beautiful they are.
Ø Likewise U doesn’t know how sweet u are but I know how special n sweet u are.
Ø Every time I hear a message tone, I always hope one of them comes from YOU. MY SIMCARD HAS A LIMITED MEMORY. But my SIMHEART has unlimited space for you.
Ø When God opened the door of Heaven, he saw me and asked: What is ur whish for today! I said: Lord Please take care of the one who is reading this message!
Ø The smile is like a simcard & life like cellophane, whenever u insert the simcard of a smile, a beautiful day is activated. Keep smiling.
Ø If u r in luv, accept it, respect it & njoy it. But if u r not, then don’t worry coz sumone, sumwhere must b wrapping up so much luv for u.
Ø Sending pillow of happy thoughts to create wonderful dreams, a blanket of care to keep you blessed in life and a prayer to protect you always. Good night.
Ø I luv u not only for what u r, but for what I am when I’m with U. I luv u not only for what U have made of urself, but for what u r making of me. I luv U for the part of me that U bring out.
Ø Sharp is ur memory, sweet is ur name, deep in my heart U’ll always remain. Earth wants water, flower want dew; I want nothing but a smile from U.
Ø Too many stars in the sky, too many tears that have left my eyes. Too many girls out in the blue, but they are nothing compared to you!
Ø The sky without stars is like sleep without dreams, like a song without music, like a rose without smell, like a face without smile, like me without U!
Ø We never hv what w2e like, we never like what we hv still we live, luv n hope that someday we’ll get what we luv or luv what we hv ! That’s life. Hv a nice day!
Ø What makes some people dearer? It’s not the happiness that u feel when u meet them but the pain u fell, when u miss them. Miss u.
Ø Close lur eyes…., relax ur body and stop breathing as long as u can. Now breath I miss u as much as u missed the air.
Ø Near ones are not dear, dear ones are not near, ilt is easy to remember the near ones, but very difficult to forget the dear ones. Missing you.
Ø Lessons of life: learn 2 care, learn2 smile, learn 2 cry, learn 2 give, learn 2 4give, learn 2 share, learn 2 trust, n learn 2 luv & learn 2 say: u miss me!
Ø Sometimes I forget 2 say hi, sometimes I forget 2 reply, sometimes my msg doesn’t reach u, but it does’t mean I forget u. I’m just giving u time to miss me,
Ø I heard someone whisper ur name, but when I turned around to see who it was, I notice I was alone, then I realize it was my heart telling me that I miss to miss me
Ø I may seldom tell u how special u r, I may not b able to reach u coz we’re both busy, but in spite of all, u know u are someone I really miss & care about.
Ø I searched through books & leafed through cards; for words that wud convey, what I had in my heart, but when I sat down to write, all I can write was I luv u.
Ø What the heart gives away is never gone, but kept in the hearts of others, from dusk to dawn. Love you from the core of my heart. B my valentine.
Ø U’ll always be mine 4 now & 4ever. U’ll always be mine 4 u r my treasure. U’ll always be mine please tell me it’s true. Please be mine 4 ever. I’ll always luv U.
Ø Luv is like a cloud..luv is like a dream…luv is 1 word and every thing is between…luv is a fairy tale come true…coz I found luv when I found u.
Ø When you love someone, it’s nothing. When someone loves you, it’s something. When u love someone & they luv u back, it’s everything.
Ø I looked at a sweet, beautiful rose, and then I looked at you, and I kept looking at you, for the rose isn’t as beautiful as you.
Ø May ur heart b happy & ur days b bright. May ur roads b smooth & ur r burdens light. May u find dreams & touch a star & never forget how special u r.
Ø Vacancy in my mind for a true friend Eligibility: loving & caring,
Duty: to luv,
Experience: not require,
Salary: never ending luv
Joining: asp
R u interested?
Ø When the night comes look at the sky. If u sees a falling star, don’t wonder why, just make a wish. Trust me it will come true, co I did it & I found u.
Ø God created the world in six days but took him centuries to come up with someone as beautiful… as u!
Ø Flowers need sunshine, violets need dew, all angels in heaven know I need U. Years may fly, tears may dry, but my love for u’ll never die.
Ø God gave u 2 legs to walk, 2 hands to hold, 2 ears to hear, 2 eyes to see. But why did he give u only 1 heart? Probably bcoz he wants u to look for the other
Ø My heart problem has reached a critical stage that doctor says there are only 2 options left…..I.C.U or……U.C me
Ø If you r in a dark room, you find blood everywhere and the walls are shaking-don’t worry friend, u r at the safest place, you r in my heart.
Ø U want & u get, that’s luck, U want & u wait, that’s time. U want but u compromise, that’s life. And U want & wait & u don’t compromise that’s LOVE.
Ø Feelings are many but words are few, clouds are dark but sky is blue; Luv is a paper, life is glue, everything is false, only My Luv is TRUE.
Ø Sometimes my eyes get jealous of my heart. Know why? Coz you always remain close to my heart and far from my eyes.
Ø If sumone throws a stone towards u, throw luv towards him but if sumone throw luv towards u, then silt for a while & think coz luv hurts more than stone.
Ø Loving some 1 who loves u is a duty, but being loved by some 1 whom u luv is LIFE.
Ø With petals of roses, palm full of holy water, light of full sun, fragrance of flower and grass with dew, I wish u a very special good morning.
Ø My CELL phone is waiting for ur call!
IN BOX waiting for ur SDMS!
CALL REGISTER waiting for ur missed call!
MY HEART waiting for your frnship.
Ø Without humor, life is sick. Without courage, life is hard. Without love, life is hopeless. Without friends like you, life is impossible!
Funny SMS
v Marriage is a romance in which the hero dies in the first chapter.
v What‘s the difference between people who pray in the church and those who pray in casino? Those in the casinos are more serious.
v Some people have 5 senses, some may have 6. You are a gifted person as you have the 7th sense: “NONSENCE”
v Teacher: “Everything you do is wrong. How can you expect to get a job when you leave school if everything you do is inaccurate?”
v The husband who wants a happy marriage should learn to keep his mouth shut and his chequebook open.
v I can read my wife like a book, but I can’t shut her so easily.
v Akashatheku noku daivathinte vlupam kaanam. Prakrithiyileku noku daivate mahathwam kaanam… kannadiyil noku daivathinte “ABATHAM Kanam’
v Collect 100 rose’s ake sooji & nool, make a mala, take the mala & go front of the mirror. U will see a super scene KORANGANTE KAYYIL POOMALA.
v Smile is a language of love e, smile is a source 2 win hearts. Smile is a name of livelihood n smile creates greatness in personality so brush ur teeth daily
v Stars + Moon = Romantic Night
Birds + Sky = Lovely Day
Forest + Animal = Refreshing world
You + Your smile + dirty place.
v You are 95% beautiful. You are 96% sweet. you are 97% nice, you are 98% handsome. You are 99% lovely & 100% fool to believe this.
v Unlike others ur brain is a master piece, it is divided into 2 parts, left & right. In the left nothing is right & in the right nothing is left.
v No calls, no message, no missed calls. No newes, no greetings, no letters I am afraid Patti Piduthakasr veendum kondupoyo!
v Old people used 2 annoy me at weddings by pinching my cheeks n say in “u r next” they stopped that when I started doing the same to 2 them at funerals. So hws dat.
v Which is the painful way of death? Poison, murder, accident, tsunami, don’t worry its simple very very simple “just love a girl sincerely”.
v 6 flowers for u, 1 for health, 1 for wealth. 1 for wish, 1 for friendship and last two chumma randu cheviyilum vacho
v God saw ur parents hungry, he created pizza. He saw them thirsty, created Pepsi. He saw them walking, created car. He saw them wit5hout any problems, created u.
v What is the similarit6y between Bill Gates and Angel? Don’t? So simple. he never comes to Angel’s house and angel never goes to his house ego problem.
v Whenever I miss u I’ll read your sms. Whenever I want to see u I’ll just6 close my eyes? Whenever I want to hear your voice, I’ll throw stones at dogs.
v Could u fax me ur photo very2 urgently mind you its really very2 important. I am playing cards and u have misplaced the jocker.
v Last Night I was walking with GOD. He asked me who is ur friend? I told ur name. He smiled 7 said, ‘nee nannavilla!’
v Dear friend, every second God remember u. Every minute God bless u. Every; hour God care u. Bcoz every dayl I pray 2 him, “daivame budhiyallatha Kocha, Kaatholane.”
v Research has proved that asll fools use their4 thumlb finger while reading SML.Na..Na. it’s too lae don’t try to change fingers. Catch another fool.
v 7 rules 2 be happy
1) Never hate
2) Don’t worry
3) Live simple
4) Expect little
5) Give a lot
6) Always smile
v Think big, think secret6, Think positive, Think beautiful, Think Great... I know, that‘s 2 much for u; so here is a shortcut, just think about me.
v Forest School attendance edukkal. Tiger….Sir, Lion.sir.elephant….sir, Monkey….monkey…..Monkey… vaayichiridathe attendance parayada.
v 143….. Do U want to know what it is? Plz press down... 143 means one hundred and forty three. Tomorrow I well teach abotu144 ok!.
v The more you study, the more you know. The more you know, the more you forget. The more you forget, the less you know. So why study? AIDS.
v Keep the school clean…say home!
v Girlfriend: Addition of problem, subtraction of money, Multiplication of enemies, and Division of friends.
v The heart and the brain are neighbors, but they will never be FRIENDS.
v Stress: When the wife is pregnant.
Tension: When the girlfriend is pregnant.
Panic: When both are pregnant.
v Why do men carry their wives’ photographs in their wallets?
v So that in times of trouble, they can look at the photos and believe, ‘If we can handle t his, everything else is manageable!’
v Teacher: You know importance of periods? Kid: ya, once my sister said she has missed two, my mom fainted, fainter got heart attack and our driver ran away.
v Your phone has been installed with a new puzzle game. To play, throw your phone against the wall. The assemble the pieces…
v I am getting married next Sunday… Ther wud b a small party & only a few ppl will b invited, Don’t bring any gift, just bring some 1 to marry me!
v God made man and the rested. God made women and then no one rested.
v CNN News: bush orders 15,000 FBI trained dogs to track down osama. FBI awaiting further orders as one of the dogs is reading this.
v What6 is the difference between a woman and a magnet? Magnets have a positive side!
v Woman: The most efficient money reducing agent known to man kind!
v Marriage is a three-ring circus: an engagement ring, a wedding ring, and suffering.
v Never kiss a policeman’s wife, she will say HANDS UP, Never kiss a nurse, she will say NEXT PLEASE, Always kiss a teacher because she will say REPEAT IT 5 TIMES.
v There 2085364765 Coconut trees in kerala, Enittum Oru thenga polum ninte thalayil veezhunnillallo,
v Smoke everyday. Smoke means S – send, M – Me. O – one, K – Kutty sms, E – Everyday So – Please.
v Grahambell found telephone. Edison found Electricity. Marconi found Radio. Columbs found America. Ingaane MOBILUM KUTHIPIDICHIRINNO.
v What is t he difference between Files and Piles? Files: irunnu nokkanam! Piles nikki irikkanam.
v Child dog asked mother dog, “Who is my father?” Mother dog said, “don’t disturb, your father is reading this sms”
v Ladies hostel caught fire….It took 1 hrs to bring the fire under control and another 3 hours to bring the firemen under control.
v Your network tariff has changed! Call charges are now calculate according to brain size. The smaller the cheaper! You can make free calls!!
v Torch in the3 hand of the blind…radio in the hand of the deaf… mic in the hand of the dumb… mobile in the hand of a donkey… what a crazy world!
v Wife says: it seems husband & wife are not allowed 2 be 2gether in heaven... husband says: yes that’s why it’s called heaven …
v I asked 4 a flower, he gave me a garden. I asked 4 a lake, he gave me an ocean. I asked 4 a fool, he gave me ur number.
v I miss u in my bed I am lonely without u at night, I feel warm when u r wit6h me, I can‘t sleep without u. Where are you my sweet bed sheet! And blanket?
v I remember, how we met before… train stopped, windows opened’ u looked in to my eyes and then u said idly, dosa, vada, coffee…chai ….chai.
v A man is dying of cancer. His son asked him “dad why do u keep telling people u’re dying of aids!” Ans. “son, when I’m dead no one will dare touch u; r mom!”
v Kiss is a key of love, love is a lock of marriage marriasge is a box of children, children are problems of India. How much of prob.. a kiss can create!
v Galileo” great mind. Einstein: genius mind. New to : extra ordinary mind. Bill gates: brilliant mind. Me” master mind. You: never mind. Hi.hi gd evng
v My life-is U,I’ll die wilt6hout U I love U…. that’s what my mom says to me..
v There is Meeting in Mental Hospital all Dr’s nurses are present but ;the Meeting is not started becoz the patient is busy reading this SDMS.
v Some one loving you caring for you watching over you protecting you guess who? Neighbor’s dog.
v Teacher: Explain responsibility with example? Lenoy: madam ur blouse has 4 button, if 3 break down entire responsibility will be on 4th one.
v Girls goes t6o repair umbrella, umb man says, upper cloth has to b removed and rod has to b inserted. Girl says do whatever u want but water shouldn’t go in!
v 1 day all girls on earth went 2 god 2 ask who is the most handsome boy & returned 2 earth with a question…. Who is that Leo.
v I saw u on the road yesterday, at that time u r looking so beauty, smart & gentle, I have never seen any one like u. but at that time my heart whispered: who left out the “dog” to the road.
v Oranges grow in Australia, peaches grow in Britain, and Berries grow in Swiss, but it takes a country like India to grow a nut like u……
v I want to tell u something plz don’t mistake me, plz do sincerely wear helmet while walking because….’empty things break easily.
v 3 monkeys escaped from the zoo, one was caught watching tv, another playing football and the third one on its not u. why do u always think u r a monkey?
v Thomas: why are u laughing on seeing a dead body? Sardar: I know why the body is dead. Thomas: why? Sardar” because its nose is blocked with sponge….
v When I was sad u were with me. When I was cr4ying u were with me. When I was unhappy u were with me. Now I understand that when u r with me “I am .
v This sms is strictly intended 4 smart n cute readers. Since u received it, there must b a technical error 4 which d sender deeply apologizes. So please delete it…
v Hellow, sorry 2 disturb u, if u r not working, if u r not busy, if u r not tired, if u are not lazy6, plz answer me….ayyappande amma ethra ney yappam chuttu?
v Thought for the day:- love ur friends not6 their sisters and love ur sisters and not their frilends.
v Keralathil 12 valiya nadhikalum 36 cheriya nadhikalum 426 kyalukalum 2366 thodukalum 7996 lulangalum 56239 kinarukalum undu. Onnu kulichu – koode please…..
v Ina racing clubs the horse’s r on strike so the management decided to run donkeys instead of horses. So stop reading and get ready for the race.
v Hi, you seem to be Roy’s friend as ur number is in his cell. So plz convey him that he has 4goten his cell in my bed last night – madona.
v A day will finally come when the whole world will celebrate ur fame, ur personality, ur thoughts, ur ideas. That day will be known as April 1.
v Dear friend, I* need your help immediately. It’s very urgent. In hospital, chloroform is finished. So, please send ur kerchief or dress immediately..
v Look at the ocean & see the abundance. Look at the sky & see go’s glory! Look at the moon & see god’s wonder. Look at the mirror & see god’s blunder.
v Do u want a job? There is a good vacancy, not in India. not a hard one. But u have to practice lectures? then please contact “pope in charge, Vatican.”
v Let me kiss ur lips, let me feel ur teeth, let me taste ur tongue, this is ur friend colgate reminding you to brush. Good morning!
v Priest: And what does your mother give you when you have been a good girl? Little girl: permission to miss the Sunday mass.
v This message is for cute and smart readers. As you have received it, there may be a technical error in the network. Kindly delete the message.
v Today I saw a guy looking exactly like u, height, eyes, nose, ellam same. I accidently called ur name he threw away the banana & jumped on another tree. Entha engane?v Using steam power, James watt invented steam engine, Here in India, using the same steam power .Thank amma invented idly and puttu. Think different be an Indian.
v Kuttikkurang: Amme, enne kanan oru bhangiumilla. Ammakurang: Mone, nee e sms vayikkunnavane nokku. ‘Patti kanji kudikila.
v When things go wrong when sadness fills ur heart when tears flow in ur eyes Always remember 3 things
1) I am with u
3) Bar is open, lets go
v I want to meet u, I want to talk with u, I want to spend time with u, but can’t This stupid gate keeper is saying ‘the zoo is closed’
v Dear subscribers we are sorry to inform u that your roaming facility has expired today. Kindly return to the zoo immediately.
v A good advice from a good friend! I read in the newspaper that drinking beer causes liver cancer so please – stop reading newspapers.. cheers….
v Q: What’s the similarity b/w a lady and a chewing gum?
v Smile is a language of love e, smile is a source 2 win hearts. Smile is a name of livelihood n smile creates greatness in personality so brush ur teeth daily
v Stars + Moon = Romantic Night
Birds + Sky = Lovely Day
Forest + Animal = Refreshing world
You + Your smile + dirty place.
v You are 95% beautiful. You are 96% sweet. you are 97% nice, you are 98% handsome. You are 99% lovely & 100% fool to believe this.
v Unlike others ur brain is a master piece, it is divided into 2 parts, left & right. In the left nothing is right & in the right nothing is left.
v No calls, no message, no missed calls. No newes, no greetings, no letters I am afraid Patti Piduthakasr veendum kondupoyo!
v Old people used 2 annoy me at weddings by pinching my cheeks n say in “u r next” they stopped that when I started doing the same to 2 them at funerals. So hws dat.
v Which is the painful way of death? Poison, murder, accident, tsunami, don’t worry its simple very very simple “just love a girl sincerely”.
v 6 flowers for u, 1 for health, 1 for wealth. 1 for wish, 1 for friendship and last two chumma randu cheviyilum vacho
v God saw ur parents hungry, he created pizza. He saw them thirsty, created Pepsi. He saw them walking, created car. He saw them wit5hout any problems, created u.
v What is the similarit6y between Bill Gates and Angel? Don’t? So simple. he never comes to Angel’s house and angel never goes to his house ego problem.
v Whenever I miss u I’ll read your sms. Whenever I want to see u I’ll just6 close my eyes? Whenever I want to hear your voice, I’ll throw stones at dogs.
v Could u fax me ur photo very2 urgently mind you its really very2 important. I am playing cards and u have misplaced the jocker.
v Last Night I was walking with GOD. He asked me who is ur friend? I told ur name. He smiled 7 said, ‘nee nannavilla!’
v Dear friend, every second God remember u. Every minute God bless u. Every; hour God care u. Bcoz every dayl I pray 2 him, “daivame budhiyallatha Kocha, Kaatholane.”
v Research has proved that asll fools use their4 thumlb finger while reading SML.Na..Na. it’s too lae don’t try to change fingers. Catch another fool.
v 7 rules 2 be happy
1) Never hate
2) Don’t worry
3) Live simple
4) Expect little
5) Give a lot
6) Always smile
v Think big, think secret6, Think positive, Think beautiful, Think Great... I know, that‘s 2 much for u; so here is a shortcut, just think about me.
v Forest School attendance edukkal. Tiger….Sir, Lion.sir.elephant….sir, Monkey….monkey…..Monkey… vaayichiridathe attendance parayada.
v 143….. Do U want to know what it is? Plz press down... 143 means one hundred and forty three. Tomorrow I well teach abotu144 ok!.
v The more you study, the more you know. The more you know, the more you forget. The more you forget, the less you know. So why study? AIDS.
v Keep the school clean…say home!
v Girlfriend: Addition of problem, subtraction of money, Multiplication of enemies, and Division of friends.
v The heart and the brain are neighbors, but they will never be FRIENDS.
v Stress: When the wife is pregnant.
Tension: When the girlfriend is pregnant.
Panic: When both are pregnant.
v Why do men carry their wives’ photographs in their wallets?
v So that in times of trouble, they can look at the photos and believe, ‘If we can handle t his, everything else is manageable!’
v Teacher: You know importance of periods? Kid: ya, once my sister said she has missed two, my mom fainted, fainter got heart attack and our driver ran away.
v Your phone has been installed with a new puzzle game. To play, throw your phone against the wall. The assemble the pieces…
v I am getting married next Sunday… Ther wud b a small party & only a few ppl will b invited, Don’t bring any gift, just bring some 1 to marry me!
v God made man and the rested. God made women and then no one rested.
v CNN News: bush orders 15,000 FBI trained dogs to track down osama. FBI awaiting further orders as one of the dogs is reading this.
v What6 is the difference between a woman and a magnet? Magnets have a positive side!
v Woman: The most efficient money reducing agent known to man kind!
v Marriage is a three-ring circus: an engagement ring, a wedding ring, and suffering.
v Never kiss a policeman’s wife, she will say HANDS UP, Never kiss a nurse, she will say NEXT PLEASE, Always kiss a teacher because she will say REPEAT IT 5 TIMES.
v There 2085364765 Coconut trees in kerala, Enittum Oru thenga polum ninte thalayil veezhunnillallo,
v Smoke everyday. Smoke means S – send, M – Me. O – one, K – Kutty sms, E – Everyday So – Please.
v Grahambell found telephone. Edison found Electricity. Marconi found Radio. Columbs found America. Ingaane MOBILUM KUTHIPIDICHIRINNO.
v What is t he difference between Files and Piles? Files: irunnu nokkanam! Piles nikki irikkanam.
v Child dog asked mother dog, “Who is my father?” Mother dog said, “don’t disturb, your father is reading this sms”
v Ladies hostel caught fire….It took 1 hrs to bring the fire under control and another 3 hours to bring the firemen under control.
v Your network tariff has changed! Call charges are now calculate according to brain size. The smaller the cheaper! You can make free calls!!
v Torch in the3 hand of the blind…radio in the hand of the deaf… mic in the hand of the dumb… mobile in the hand of a donkey… what a crazy world!
v Wife says: it seems husband & wife are not allowed 2 be 2gether in heaven... husband says: yes that’s why it’s called heaven …
v I asked 4 a flower, he gave me a garden. I asked 4 a lake, he gave me an ocean. I asked 4 a fool, he gave me ur number.
v I miss u in my bed I am lonely without u at night, I feel warm when u r wit6h me, I can‘t sleep without u. Where are you my sweet bed sheet! And blanket?
v I remember, how we met before… train stopped, windows opened’ u looked in to my eyes and then u said idly, dosa, vada, coffee…chai ….chai.
v A man is dying of cancer. His son asked him “dad why do u keep telling people u’re dying of aids!” Ans. “son, when I’m dead no one will dare touch u; r mom!”
v Kiss is a key of love, love is a lock of marriage marriasge is a box of children, children are problems of India. How much of prob.. a kiss can create!
v Galileo” great mind. Einstein: genius mind. New to : extra ordinary mind. Bill gates: brilliant mind. Me” master mind. You: never mind. Hi.hi gd evng
v My life-is U,I’ll die wilt6hout U I love U…. that’s what my mom says to me..
v There is Meeting in Mental Hospital all Dr’s nurses are present but ;the Meeting is not started becoz the patient is busy reading this SDMS.
v Some one loving you caring for you watching over you protecting you guess who? Neighbor’s dog.
v Teacher: Explain responsibility with example? Lenoy: madam ur blouse has 4 button, if 3 break down entire responsibility will be on 4th one.
v Girls goes t6o repair umbrella, umb man says, upper cloth has to b removed and rod has to b inserted. Girl says do whatever u want but water shouldn’t go in!
v 1 day all girls on earth went 2 god 2 ask who is the most handsome boy & returned 2 earth with a question…. Who is that Leo.
v I saw u on the road yesterday, at that time u r looking so beauty, smart & gentle, I have never seen any one like u. but at that time my heart whispered: who left out the “dog” to the road.
v Oranges grow in Australia, peaches grow in Britain, and Berries grow in Swiss, but it takes a country like India to grow a nut like u……
v I want to tell u something plz don’t mistake me, plz do sincerely wear helmet while walking because….’empty things break easily.
v 3 monkeys escaped from the zoo, one was caught watching tv, another playing football and the third one on its not u. why do u always think u r a monkey?
v Thomas: why are u laughing on seeing a dead body? Sardar: I know why the body is dead. Thomas: why? Sardar” because its nose is blocked with sponge….
v When I was sad u were with me. When I was cr4ying u were with me. When I was unhappy u were with me. Now I understand that when u r with me “I am .
v This sms is strictly intended 4 smart n cute readers. Since u received it, there must b a technical error 4 which d sender deeply apologizes. So please delete it…
v Hellow, sorry 2 disturb u, if u r not working, if u r not busy, if u r not tired, if u are not lazy6, plz answer me….ayyappande amma ethra ney yappam chuttu?
v Thought for the day:- love ur friends not6 their sisters and love ur sisters and not their frilends.
v Keralathil 12 valiya nadhikalum 36 cheriya nadhikalum 426 kyalukalum 2366 thodukalum 7996 lulangalum 56239 kinarukalum undu. Onnu kulichu – koode please…..
v Ina racing clubs the horse’s r on strike so the management decided to run donkeys instead of horses. So stop reading and get ready for the race.
v Hi, you seem to be Roy’s friend as ur number is in his cell. So plz convey him that he has 4goten his cell in my bed last night – madona.
v A day will finally come when the whole world will celebrate ur fame, ur personality, ur thoughts, ur ideas. That day will be known as April 1.
v Dear friend, I* need your help immediately. It’s very urgent. In hospital, chloroform is finished. So, please send ur kerchief or dress immediately..
v Look at the ocean & see the abundance. Look at the sky & see go’s glory! Look at the moon & see god’s wonder. Look at the mirror & see god’s blunder.
v Do u want a job? There is a good vacancy, not in India. not a hard one. But u have to practice lectures? then please contact “pope in charge, Vatican.”
v Let me kiss ur lips, let me feel ur teeth, let me taste ur tongue, this is ur friend colgate reminding you to brush. Good morning!
v Priest: And what does your mother give you when you have been a good girl? Little girl: permission to miss the Sunday mass.
v This message is for cute and smart readers. As you have received it, there may be a technical error in the network. Kindly delete the message.
v Today I saw a guy looking exactly like u, height, eyes, nose, ellam same. I accidently called ur name he threw away the banana & jumped on another tree. Entha engane?v Using steam power, James watt invented steam engine, Here in India, using the same steam power .Thank amma invented idly and puttu. Think different be an Indian.
v Kuttikkurang: Amme, enne kanan oru bhangiumilla. Ammakurang: Mone, nee e sms vayikkunnavane nokku. ‘Patti kanji kudikila.
v When things go wrong when sadness fills ur heart when tears flow in ur eyes Always remember 3 things
1) I am with u
3) Bar is open, lets go
v I want to meet u, I want to talk with u, I want to spend time with u, but can’t This stupid gate keeper is saying ‘the zoo is closed’
v Dear subscribers we are sorry to inform u that your roaming facility has expired today. Kindly return to the zoo immediately.
v A good advice from a good friend! I read in the newspaper that drinking beer causes liver cancer so please – stop reading newspapers.. cheers….
v Q: What’s the similarity b/w a lady and a chewing gum?
v A: Both r sweet & tasty in the beginni8ng but become tasteless & shapeless later
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